How do I rank the 1st page on Google? - MEDIJIX

How do I rank the 1st page on Google?

10+ Free Ways to Get on the First Page of Google

For those in the business of trying to drive organic traffic, Google is the all-powerful. It crawls the web, determining which pages are the most useful and relevant for its users for virtually any topic. We don’t just trust Google’s results, we rely on them.

With such immense power and influence, getting your small business on the first page of Google might seem unrealistic, However, it this very power Google holds that makes it more possible than ever for small and local businesses to rank high in search results—for free!

In this post I’m going to cover several tangible actions you can take to help your business rise to the top of the first page, using two free strategies: website optimization and listing optimization. I will first cover the importance of the first page of Google and then get into the tactics.

It’s abundantly clear that the first page of Google is a worthwhile (if not essential) goal for any business, but let’s first go over its specific benefits, as this can help you prioritize within your business’s strategy.

Drive website traffic

Snippets and answer boxes can only provide so much information. While a search engine results page itself can sometimes supply all the information a person needs, there are still a number of queries for which people will inevitably click through to a website. Don’t forget that it often takes several engagements with a business before a person converts into a customer, so interactions with your website are important.

Not only does being on the first page of Google drastically increase traffic to your website; not being on the first page of Google has a huge disadvantage. In fact, the first page of Google captures at least 71% of web traffic (some sources say up to 92%), and the second page is far from a close second: It drops to 6% of website clicks. This steep decline in web traffic is an indicator of just how important the first page of Google is.

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